Monday, July 26, 2010

Willamette Writers Conference

Going to meet with some editors and agents between Aug 5th and 7th at the conference here in Portland. I have "Life Attempt" all packaged up and ready to go... just need someone to listen long enough to catch the wonder of the story. Here we go!


tif said...

Good luck amigo...can't wait to read the end. I didn't buy it on Amazon, but I'll get the real thing. Check out this link and read a few of the entries under 'risk' when you have time. pretty cool site...with some 'cheesy foreign' mixed in here and there.


tif said...

umm, yeah, so here's the link:

Kimberly Thornbury said...

I saw that you are related to Ethel Barrett, whose writings were a huge influence to me growing up. Would you be able to send any contact information so I could write her a letter to express my appreciation for her writings?
I am at
(Enclosed link to show you I'm a professional person and mom!) Thank you!