So, I'm convinced now that things will get very bad for many people. The reason? Because we have all been misled about the morality of money.
- Banks and hedge funds playing the "leverage game", finding new ways to keep up the facade while selling marginal loans to other companies and countries, are immoral.
- Banking giants who charge high interest rates to high risk customers are doing something that is immoral.
- Mortgage lenders who promised money to people who could not pay when the rates adjusted were immoral.
- Families who spend more money on credit card debt than widows, orphans, and even their own children, are immoral (My own included).
- Companies that worked their people into the ground for minimum wage while they paid their executives outrageous salaries are immoral
- Churches that went into massive debt to purchase large buildings and fancy sound systems instead of caring for more poor and needy... are the most immoral. They had a book that warned them. They should have known better.